Project Scope:
The Carbon County Economic
Development Corporation (CCEDC) recognized a potential
opportunity for the State of Wyoming to locate a state
corrections training facility in Rawlins, Wyoming. CCEDC
understood the general advantages of locating a training academy
in Rawlins, but wanted to know if the location of such a
facility in Rawlins made sense in the context of the Wyoming
Department of Correction’s overall training requirements. PPC
was retained by CCEDC to complete a study of WDOC training
requirements and the identification of feasible options for
locating a state corrections training academy in Wyoming.
The study determined existing and
future training requirements for uniformed correctional officers
and non-uniformed staff in the State’s four correctional
institutions. These institutions include the Wyoming State
Penitentiary in Rawlins, the Wyoming Honor Farm in Riverton, the
Wyoming Conservation Camp in Newcastle, and the Wyoming Women’s
Center in Lusk.
Representatives from WDOC central
office, as well as the wardens and senior training officers at
each institution, were interviewed to determine future
curriculum requirements for pre-service, FTO, in-service and
specialized training, the anticipated number of personnel
requiring training, overall program management, qualifications
of trainers, and other related program issues. The required
number and qualification of WDOC training and administrative
staff, as well as facility space requirements, were also
determined for a statewide corrections academy.
The study provided recommended
several criteria for the selection of a location where future
correctional training activities could be located. Using these
criteria, four potential facilities in the State of Wyoming were
identified. Each option was compared in terms of the assets and
liabilities each facility offered.
A comparative cost analysis was
also made of the four alternate training locations. The cost
analysis considered costs associated with new construction and
facility renovation, labor resources, the transportation of
trainees, accommodations, meals, as well as annual facility
operation and maintenance |