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Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 1268, Keaau, HI 96749
Physical Address:  15-1300 28th Avenue, Keaau, Hawaii 96749
Tel: 970-887-3759 ∙ Cell:  307-760-6890
e-mail:  pedersenplanning@gmail.com


Project Experience

Location: Towns of Thermopolis, East Thermopolis, and Kirby, Wyoming, and unincorporated area of Hot Springs County, Wyoming
Client: Town of Thermopolis
P. O. Box 603, Thermopolis, Wyoming  82443
Contact: Marilyn Strausborger, Chair
Thermopolis Housing Committee
Year Completed: December, 2006
Project Scope:

The Town of Thermopolis, WY retained Pedersen Planning Consultants to gain a better understanding of housing needs of the three communities in Hot Springs County, as well as the unincorporated area.

PPC initially made an inventory of all housing in the Hot Springs County communities of Thermopolis, East Thermopolis, and Kirby.  Potential areas that could support future residential expansion were also identified and correlated with existing zoning designations.  Housing data collected from a field survey were compiled into spatial data files and related attribute tables using ArcView GIS software.  Housing information was correlated with municipal building permit data, as well as 2000 Census information to ascertain recent community growth.

Community and regional demographic and economic trends were examined to gain insights concerning recent natural growth and migration trends, as well as potential sources of new employment during the next decade.  These considerations were used to prepare population forecasts for Hot Springs County and its three communities.

Housing market trends for fee simple and rental housing, residential lending trends and loan policies, and the availability of potential residential expansion areas were also evaluated to determine their influence upon future housing demands.

PPC developed a statistical model to calculate anticipated housing demands for each community and the unincorporated area of Hot Springs County.  Model outputs identified the number of housing units for single-family and multi-family housing, as well as the related demands for manufactured and stick-built housing.  Housing needs for senior housing, low-income housing, and those with disabilities were also analyzed to calculate the extent of housing demands for those residents having special needs.  In view of the age of housing in Hot Springs County, anticipated housing replacement needs were also estimated to consider how long existing housing inventories could support an incoming population.

PPC ultimately prepared specific action strategies for addressing anticipated housing needs for the 2007-2016 period.